A little list of things I am loving about my Brennan as of late...
I love how stoked he was to go to Settebello and split a pizza after going to our good friend's wedding downtown. He was so proud of his idea and said "that hit the spot" at least 3 times.
How he calls Almond Roca "bark". No clue why. I introduced him to it on Saturday and he called it bark tonight. He loves the bark though so that's good.
How he stole 3 giant Barbie clips from his work so we can use them as "chip clips" at home.
How he requests Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, Top Ramen, and frozen waffles when I go to the store. The tastebuds of a five year old and so easy to please.
When he tells me I don't match. (It's so cute how he thinks he knows.)
How he is studying so hard for his insurance test when it's about the least fun thing ever.
How he went on business appointments with my dad for 5 hours ON HIS DAY OFF.
How he requires a minimum of 10 minutes of cuddle time every morning before we have to get up and start our day.
When he gets so upset with himself that he isn't sore from the previous night's workout.
How he answers the phone with "hey baby" in Buddy Garrity's voice from Friday Night Lights whenever I call him.
How he sings in the shower e v e r y single morning and when a song comes on he loves he yells, "What a tune!"
How he refuses to open his birthday present early, no matter how many times I beg him to.