Monday, September 9, 2013


-NOT riding on the back of a motorcycle, contrary to what that picture tells you. I hopped on for a picture, and then Bren took it around the block by himself, and even that worried me. The poor boy wants a motorcycle SO BAD, and if he wasn't so cute I might consider letting him have one. But I would like to keep his perfect face and body parts where they're all meant to be.
-Pulling my hair out trying to decide what songs we want for our wedding video. You read that and think I'm being a dramatic, but if you've been there, I'm sure you feel for me. I realized I don't listen to that many love songs, and that's also depressing.
-Remodeling the condo Bren and I will be living in. This is almost as much work as planning a wedding, and without my superwoman mother, ...I couldn't even tell you. She amazes me everyday.
-Trying to build my fall wardrobe before I get married (because I know us poor newlyweds will not be shopping) while also trying to save for married life (rent, car payments, phone bills). THE STRUGGLE.
-Having more homework than I've ever had. I'm really good at picking classes that give the most homework. It's a gift, really. Thankfully I have my wonderful fiancé who helps me with it for hours when he'd rather be watching football.

-Hitting 6,000 page views in a little over a month on this silly blog, which put a little skip in my step.
-Being called "Miss Birth Control" by Brennan. (This is not a compliment.)
-Accepting that no matter how well you plan, things are going to go wrong, and not even caring. Because I am marrying the best boy in the entire world.
-Loving Brennan so much I don't even know how it's possible for me to love him more than I do now. I'm not trying to be cheesy. It's a serious concern of mine.
-Getting married IN TEN DAYS.

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