Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Wife Life

So if you couldn't tell by my sweatshirt or necklace, (I know, it's a bit much)
I've been a wife for 20 days now. Can you tell I'm loving it?
We don't have a couch, a working washing machine, or internet.
We just got a dishwasher last week and cable yesterday,
and I've still never had a better 20 days in my whole life.  
It's amazing how things have worked out for us. Like how when Brennan's car broke down just days before we got married, his dad took it in to get fixed over our honeymoon, and they fixed it FOR FREE. Or how the dishwasher we wanted at Lowe's was out of stock so they gave us the upgraded version FOR NO EXTRA COST. Or how extra cash or a wedding gift comes in the mail just when we need it. We are so beyond blessed.
We love living in our own little place. There is nothing more fun, I promise. My mom remodeled almost everything while we were on our honeymoon and it is so darling. I will never be able to repay her for all she did. I'll be doing a post of the whole remodel soon!
 Not only does the condo have 2 bedrooms, IT HAS 2 BATHROOMS. "I seriously think having our own bathrooms has helped our marriage." -quote from my husband himself! It's so true though, I can't imagine us trying to both get ready for work and school in the morning in one bathroom. We also love our place because it has great vibes. I'm all about vibes. And I think my Anthropologie candle definitely has something to do with those vibes. I am obsessed with that candle.
The only complaint Bren has had since moving in is our towels. I registered for them at Macy's because they were just what I wanted- big, good quality, comfy, and white. Well Bren informed me that they are too soft for him, even after washing them: "Our towels don't dry me off they just rub the water around my body." HA HA HA. So he made us go to Walmart and get him some $3 towels. I was laughing the whole way to Walmart, but now he's as happy as can be.
But not as happy as when we finally got our Comcast to work! Oh happy day.

The best way to appreciate the little things in life is to get married.
It only took a few nights of sitting in our empty family room,
 laughing our heads off, with nothing and no one but each other,
to realize that you really are the happiest when you have the least.

1 comment:

  1. so jealous, wanted that sweatshirt so bad! It's adorable!
