Friday, January 3, 2014

Hello 2014

We celebrated the last night of our favorite year yet with only the best. One of the things I love about Brennan is his group of friends he's had since high school. They are some of funniest and best people that I'm lucky to know. Our night was spent snacking, taking pictures, playing games, drinking Martinelli's, watching the ball drop, and then back to more games. 

And then at 3 am as we were falling asleep and discussing New Year's resolutions, Brennan told me that your goals aren't real until you write them down. So here are my resolutions for 2014 in writing:

Drink more water. And less Dirty Diet Coke. Water solves so many of life's problems. It's just the right thing to do.

Be smarter with money. I feel like I can find more ways to save Brennan and I money. Things will be tight this year while Bren is switching jobs and finishing school so I need to do everything I can to help us be smart with the money we have! 

Be on time. Brennan is always waiting on me and it's just not nice. And there's no reason to be late to 11 am church.

Go to all three hours of church every week. Ya it's hard but it's about obedience. 

Spend way less time on my phone, (there's more to life)

and pick up a book instead. (like Brennan)

Get back into a workout routine. I have always been big into exercise, and somehow I lost my motivation for it after getting married. I'm going to find it again.

Blog more. Not to make money, not to impress anyone, just for me.

Live life like the message from the movie About Time. You know those movies that just change your life? This is that movie. When you tell people what it's about, it always sounds kind of dumb, but please don't let that stop you from seeing it. (STOP READING HERE if you have not seen it!) It's about a guy who has the ability to go back in time. He learns that he likes to go back and live each day twice, because the second time, he enjoys the little things. But you don't have to time travel to enjoy the little things. You just have to slow your life down. 

Pray for miracles. Brennan taught me this New Years Day. We were driving downtown and he was telling me a story from his mission. The stories from his mission are INCREDIBLE. So many miracles happened to him and the people he taught. I won't go into the whole story, but I told Brennan that I feel like those miracles don't happen in the real world, only on missions. He said he had so many because he was taught in the MTC to pray for miracles. He prayed for them every night. So I am going to do the same. Not for miracles to happen to me, but just to witness miracles happening around me. 

And no baby, even though Brennan jokes that 2014 will be the year we have one. When we were laying in bed yesterday morning, he said to me "I hope we have a little boy and he comes running in here and wakes us up but he wakes me up first because he likes me more." As darling as that sounds, I'm selfish and want a few years of my husband ALLLL to myself. 

It looks like I have a lot to work on...wish me luck!

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