Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mr.'s Turn

I love that a few of my friends (Olivia Gochnour & Kenzie Baugh) have picked up on this little "random facts" blog post. I wish everyone would do it! I thought it was only fitting to do one for my favorite person of all time, and kind of the star of this blog (insert wink emoji here). But to keep things interesting, I included only things I've learned about him since we've been married. Here are some random facts about Brennan:

His breakfasts are the same as an 8 year old's breakfast: cereal, eggos, or cinnamon sugar toast, with chocolate milk. Sometimes I make him eat a banana with it so he gets some sort of nutrition.

He loves to hold newborn babies.

He thinks I use too much toilet paper.

He looks like a little boy when he's sleeping and it absolutely melts my heart.

He can imitate ANYONE. Obama is my personal favorite.

He has very vivid dreams.

He always knows where to get the best priced gas, but if it's too cheap, he thinks the gas is water and won't let me get it because my car won't run as well...

Sometimes I tell Brennan to come cuddle with me and he says, "There's no room for me! Just like when there was no room for Jesus at the inn."

He sings & dances in the shower and while he gets ready.

He is ALWAYS upbeat and happy to be wherever he has to be.

He is a worrier.

He sometimes watches the same SportsCenter episode multiple times.

He doesn't have the Facebook app on his phone.

His poor little car, Jeter the Jetta, has broken down 4 times in the 5 months we've been married. We have mastered the art of living with just one car.

He hasn't missed one class this semester.

He has more shoes than me.

He doesn't believe in growing pains and thinks he's never had them...

When he was little he would wait for his mom to go upstairs and then run to the fridge and chug Hershey's chocolate syrup straight from the bottle.

There you have it! This post is such a fun read, I hope you do one! 



  1. Such a fun post, love this idea!

  2. I love that boy. I'm glad you appreciate how weird he is ;)

  3. i love this!!
    literally i should just say ditto for will hahaha.
    love you both.

  4. I love that Hershey's chocolate syrup story!!
    Love that Brennan.
