Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day

Last Valentine's Day, our first one we spent together, we went all out. Got work off, got couples massages, had shirts made that said "I ♥ Brennan" and "I ♥ Ashley", made him these homemade orange rolls he loves with my grandma the night before, went to Porcupine Grill and a movie, and then he gave me my A+B initial necklace and the journal that started this whole blog. I will never forget that day. 

This year's Valentine's Day was much more laid back, but it still beats last year's because we are married now, and nothing is better than that. 

We both had to work until 6, because somebody's gotta pay the bills, and as I got home (to my parents' house because they are in Hawaii, so we are watching Ari, 2 dogs, and 2 fish for a week), I saw this sitting on the kitchen table. 

The first thing I grabbed was the card, which was in an envelope but I was too excited to read it before taking a picture. 

I was instantly crying. (He must know my love language is words of affirmation.) The only reason I post the card is because I know that someday, somehow, this card will get lost, but I refuse to forget all the sweet words he says to me. 

All I needed for Valentine's was that card, but the lovely roses & Cole Haan metallic oxfords I had been DROOLING over at the store were the cherry on top!

When Brennan got home a few minutes later, I kissed him to pieces for the amazing surprise and made him open his gift, which was a denim jacket he had been wanting, a camo tee, and some darling baseball tees that I can't wait for him to look so cute in. 

This is the first holiday that I bought him clothes, which is huge, because if you know my husband, you know he is a very particular dresser. He tried his new things on and loved them, then changed for date night, snapped a shot of our first Valentine's married, and off to dinner we went!

We stuck with tradition and went to Porcupine, our favorite place to go, then grabbed some ice cream and headed home to cuddle and watch a movie because none of the chick flicks in theaters sounded very promising this year. I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Being married to him makes it feel like everyday is Valentine's Day (so cheesy yet so true), but I love a holiday that lets us be extra extra romantic for the day. I am so lucky he lets me be his permanent Valentine. 


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