Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Peach Heaven

If you know me, you know my love for peaches and anything involving them- peach pie, peach cobbler, peaches & cream, Peach-O's, peach shakes- you name it. I know it's a little odd, and peaches aren't everyone's thing, but for some reason I have always had an obsession with them. So when my sister-in-law Kennan told me about a little mexican joint in Pleasant Grove called Taco Amigo that serves FRESH peach shakes for only 3 weeks in the summer, I was counting down the days until they had them. Yesterday was the first day they started them so we headed right down, because there's no distance I won't go for a peach shake!

Worth the drive and the calories, I promise!


And then this morning as I was grabbing some steel cut oatmeal from Whole Foods (my favorite $2 breakfast ever) look what I saw! (Sorry for the blurry pic, I was about to be late for work.) From none other than Pleasant Grove, so of course I had to get some. I've already eaten 2.
Yay for peach season! ...And excuse me while I eat my weight in them for the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. i'll have to try those shakes, peaches are my absolute faaaavorite & we're down there enough that i should try it haha
