Sunday, November 23, 2014


The only picture that was taken this weekend...ha ha ha 

>>Not being able to nanny Jayda & Cruz anymore because my work needs me to start working Fridays.
>>Feelings being hurt by a friend.
>>Craving sour patch kids BAD so I grabbed some at the store and the entire bag is not even sour :(
>>Getting a flat and taking it in to get fixed. "Surprise! You need all new tires. Today. For $800. Debit or credit?" I started crying at the Burt Brothers counter, feel free to call me dramatic. Goodbye money for Christmas and Bren's birthday.
>>Not being able to make it to the Jazz game that sweet Mo & Ted invited us to because we were stuck waiting for my car to get finished until 6.

>>Triple date with the Glenn's & Nicol's to Porcupine and then back to our place for pizookies and lots of rounds of Heads Up. Many needed laughs that night.
>>Finding out that Derek Jeter & Mark Cuban were having a breakfast with fans in NYC the DAY AFTER Bren's birthday (his two IDOLS) and being ONE click away from booking cheap flights I found and deciding not to. This is a "thing that went right" because I got the new-tire-news the next day. Someone's watching over me.
>>My dad coming to the rescue right after calling him saying I got a flat, and then helping me put the spare on in a rain/wind storm. Ya, we've had more fun times.
>>Brennan rushing to Burt Brothers after the Utah game (that I refused to go to with him in this weather) and sat with me for an hour while they finished my car even though he was soaked and freezing cold from being at the game and giving me the "everything is fine, we save for this kind of stuff Ash!" talk.
>>Walking out of Burt Brothers, getting into my car with new tires, and 30 seconds later it starts snowing, HARD. Blessing in disguise?
>>When I was grumpy from my long hard day and didn't want to go out again, especially in the snow, Bren went and picked up Mexican food, sour patch kids that were actually sour (hooray!), and my favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor.
>>Bren doing impersonations from Breaking Bad because he knows it makes me laugh every time without fail and would get me in a good mood again.

I feel like I needed to write this post to remind myself that the good ALWAYS outweighs the bad, and that even when we hit little bumps in the road, it all works out. Oh, and that everything happens for a reason, no doubt about it. And being married to Brennan? That is the biggest cherry/blessing on top. He makes life so good and so happy even on bad days that they actually turn into good days every single time.



  1. love the positivity! meeting derek jeter would've been the coolest thing ever! not buying those tickets, such a blessing! you lucky girl :) thank you for your post!

    xoxo, kiely

  2. wait so sad about nannying i'm so sorry ash!!
    and Will got new tires this week too... the pitts!!

  3. At least there is more positive than negative. But I hear ya. I hate when unplanned expenses pop sucks. Henry just had surgery on his leg (his knee cap fell off his knee due to falling off our bed) 900.00 out the window. I hear ya girl :/

    xo, Alex
