Monday, November 10, 2014

This n That

This post has no specific point or reason so brace yourself for randomness...
My cute nephew turned 1 and we were so lucky to be invited to his very first birthday party.
Shirt: Soel Boutique, Jeans: Gap (old), Hat: Bohme
We visited my sister in Provo and tried the Provo-famous 180 Tacos.

We then headed to the mall where Ari and I waited for Brennan outside of every store.

Jumpsuit: H&M
I've been on a Pioneer Woman kick lately, and one day while Brennan was golfing in the rain,

I watched every single episode from her Food Network show that was on Netflix. I am convinced she loves butter more than her husband. Bren happened to come home during an episode when she was making homemade sloppy joes and said "WE SHOULD MAKE THOSE!" (of all things)

Your wish is my command babe. They were as easy as 1-2-3.

Sometimes I show up at Bren's work and bug him to death until he tells me in the most loving way possible that I'm driving him crazy,

top: Anthro
so then I go hang out with people who can't tell me that even if I am driving them crazy (AKA little York).
And also, THIS is the best thing you will ever order at Blue Lemon.

We had a date night to the Jazz game all thanks to Brennan, who did that special of buying Jazz license plates and getting 2 lower bowl tickets for fa-REE! Always looking out for us, that handsome kid.
Have I ever written on here about how our first date was to a Jazz game and we were on the kiss cam? I don't think I have, but it happened, and it was probably the 2nd or 3rd time we'd ever kissed-for all Jazz fans to see. I even kind of waved my hands at first in a "no" manner for a second (I was a shy little thing) and that is probably why we haven't been on it again since.

Top: Old Navy
After that we headed to Maxwell's because Bren had never been there! I had only been to the Park City one so we were both surprised when we walked in and discovered the downtown one is a CLUB. As we were eating a worker came up to us and asked us if we'd like to rent our table for the night for $25. I felt like I was on an episode of The Hills, HA.

When we heard that Art City Donuts would be at the Nordstrom's at Fashion Place it was music to my ears. Talk about a perfect combo! It had my name written all over it.

How am I not 400 pounds yet?

And can I just give the front camera a shout out? Thank you for savin' mems even when no one is around to take our picture. I am so grateful for you (even when it isn't the month of November).
That night while Bren went to the Utah/Oregon football game with his friend I third-wheeled with the parents. Well actually, my dad third-wheeled (sorry dad) while my mom and I oooo'd and ahhhh'd over all the darling Christmas decorations at Target. They were all 25% off so OF COURSE we had to take advantage.

Sweatshirt: F21 Vest: Called to Surf Jeans: Nordstrom
Then we went to Bonsai, best place ever! THANK YOU FOR THE FREE MEAL MOM & DAD! Love, your poor newlywed daughter.

We also made our weekly trip to Cubby's and Brennan ordered the KALE SALAD. Shock of the century to say the least...

...which inspired me to whip myself into shape too so off to Whole Foods I went.

I've been falling asleep before 10 pm lately (I know, my poor husband) so either
1- I have mono
2- I have lost muscle mass and need to eat better.
I think it's the second, so I'm going to get myself back to the gym and eat well 80% of the time. Because a life without pizza on the weekends is not a life worth living. Can I get an amen?
P.S. Hopefully the people who emailed me like that I'm posting where to get things...if you think I'm an idiot and should stop, you can also email me that too. :) 


  1. 1. art city doughnuts is BOMB
    2. that's so funny that you guys were on the kiss cam for your first date
    3. you're adorable :)

    xoxo, kiely

  2. I am obsessed with those blue lemon tacos!
