Wednesday, May 21, 2014

To my boy

Dear Brennan,

I am missing you at work right now.
Thank you for being the best husband I could ever ask for.
I don't think most husbands are as good at it as you are. I think you are superhusband.
Thank you for working so hard for us.
Thank you for never complaining when you have to wake up at 6:30 a lot of mornings.
Thank you for having me laughing seconds after waking up and seconds after you walk through the door from work.
Thank you for your little songs you make up every morning. I especially loved the tune of this morning's.
Or when you knew I was having a hard day, and went and put this on before the Real game and tried to convince me you were wearing it, then saying, "I know just how to make you laugh."
Yes you do, Mario.
Thank you for caring about my happiness more than your own.
Thank you for loving me. I don't know why you do sometimes.
Can't wait to see you in less than 2 hours!


Your Ash

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