Friday, January 23, 2015

Some Thoughts on Parenthood

Remember in my last post how I mentioned that I am way behind when it comes to knowing about the coolest, latest things?
Well, here it applies again.
Now I know most of you are totally up to date, waiting for next week's not season but series finale,
but here I am, on season 3.
I debated starting this series for a bit because I got lots of warnings from people: that it's depressing, that it's like real life and who would want to watch that- life's hard enough!
But I kind of see it the exact opposite. Life is hard, so why not have something real and relatable, to know you're not the only one that goes through these things?
In my opinion, Parenthood is totally refreshing, especially in a time where I think people are feeling like their lives need to be perfect.
I know I'm only halfway through the series, but I have some thoughts I wanted to share.
When I first started the series, so many of the characters just bugged me.
"Why is she making those choices? Why the heck would he do that to his wife? Why is she more of a best friend than a mom?"
Certain things I didn't like about them.
But as the show has gone on, I have noticed that I have fallen in love with
every single character. Every single one!
Not because they're all the sudden doing exactly what I would do, or being less annoying,
but because I've gotten to know them.
I get them. I get why they do the things they do, why they handle certain things certain ways, and that the things they say and do don't always come across as they meant.
That got me thinking, that's just like REAL LIFE!
I think if we took the time to truly get to know people, we would understand them, and they would understand us.
We would have no enemies, no one who drives us up the wall, no one that we just can't stand.

There's probably even a Pinterest quote out there somewhere about this.
Anyways, something to think about.
My next thought is how much I have loved watching this show with my husband.
It has made for great discussion, because it's things we'll all go through!
"What would you do in that situation?"
"How are we going to teach our kids how to lose?"
"Would you let our daughter date him? How would you tell her no?"
"What would you do if you worked with this person?"
I have loved hearing Bren's insight on things.
And lastly, I have to give a shout out to my girl Christina.
The mom that does anything literally AN-Y-THING for her kids, and if that means approaching the kid at school that's been bullying her son, she ain't scared!
 I want to be a Christina Braverman kind of mom, she rocks.
And that is the end of my rant.


  1. 100% agree!! One of my favorite shows ever

  2. This show has changed me for the better. Literally bawl every episode. I'm so glad you love it enough to blog about it!!

  3. Ash I am totally like you… I swear I hear about things months after everyone else! Haha add parenthood to that list of things… I totally want to start watching!

  4. I LOVE PARENTHOOD. I was not liking Julia there for a little bit, but she's slowly redeeming herself!

