Monday, July 14, 2014

Pizza at the Park & Marriage Advice

I have started working full time Monday through Thursday and taking Fridays off, and that has been my best decision EVER! My weekends now start Thursday night, and I had the idea of picking up a pizza and eating it at the park since we both don't get outside enough during the week. We were even going to go hit golf balls after, until a small hurricane hit, and we had to switch to Plan B: Redbox. (Also grandma, I know you're reading this, and I want you to know that the beautiful quilt you made us was not at all harmed in the making of this date night.)
The next night was my good friend Tristyn's bachelorette party. After dinner and all the present opening, all the girls who were married went around and shared their best marriage advice. It was so good that I thought I'd share it on here!
-Don't nag at your husband. He already has a mother, he didn't marry his mother, and he doesn't want to feel like he married his mother. Be his partner, not his mom, and don't nag at him constantly. It will make him want to do what you're telling him to do ten times less.
-Learn their love language -and recongize that you most likely won't have the same love languages. Make sure you are showing love to them in THEIR love language, not yours. Also recongize in the first year of marriage that they are figuring out your love language, and to notice that they are  still showing you they love you even if it's not in your love language all of the time.
-Don't talk bad about your husband to family and friends, because you two will get over your argument and you will forgive him, but the person you told won't get over it and will hold onto those bad feelings longer than you do, because you love him.
-Actually DO go to bed mad. This was actually new news to me. I always thought it was best to talk it out so you don't go to bed with bad feelings, but my friends made a good point. If you are having an argument, just go to bed instead of saying something you don't even mean and will probably regret, and when you wake up in the morning you will have a much clearer mind, and will most likely be over the fight.
-Be a lady, but be yourself. Find a good balance of always being lady-like, but also still be yourself. If you have to go to the bathroom, it's ok to tell your husband. It's ok to wear your retainer to bed and have morning breath. These are humanly things.
-Be selfless. Think of them before you think of yourself, and if your spouse does that too, it's a recipe for a great marriage.
-aaaaand then some other advice I won't share on here because this blog is rated PG.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish my weekends started on Thursdays! Tonight feels like it should be weekend already but nope. Anyways, what a cute picture of the two of you!
