Monday, July 21, 2014

My Blog's 1st Birthday

It's my blog's first birthday!
Well, technically it was yesterday, but I didn't get around to posting about it until today.
We even went to Lagoon on Saturday to celebrate!
Just kidding. That would be weird.
We actually went for Landon's (my brother-in-law) last SAMU-RIDE before he leaves on his mission next week. Lagoon is a blast and a half about every five and a half years, and I was still overdue for a visit! It was the perfect last hoorah for the almost-Elder-Gregory. I will miss that adorable boy so much.

Anyways, back to the birthday celebration.
Let's throw back to the very first post of this blog, shall we?
It kind of still melts my heart.
As if he didn't already do enough for me, he inspired me to start this online journal, which I have
On top of keeping me sane while Bren watches baseball and other boring sports,
it has allowed me to document such an important year of my life, meet new people, and remember all the little but best moments.

At a friend's wedding on Thursday,
the most darling girl came up to me and told me
Now, I know this happens to lots of bloggers lots of times,
but this was a fun first for me, and I felt like a celebrity for a solid 3 minutes.
How cool is it that someone cares to read about my simple little life?
I like it that way,
and I love to document it. :)

Here's to many more years, blog! And maybe a nice, non-iPhone camera when us poor newlyweds can afford it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!! You two are seriously the cutest couple I've ever seen! I'm so happy I found this blog! And that swimsuit is darling!! Where is it from? It looks like one of those triangl ones but so much cuter!
