Wednesday, July 2, 2014


The day I got home, Brennan picked us up from the airport. I ran so fast and hugged him so hard he almost fell over. We held hands the whole way home, he carried my very heavy suitcase up 3 flights of stairs, and when I opened the door, 

I saw THIS. 

I immediately started crying.

Then, as I began walking around our condo, I noticed that everything was 


Even our second bedroom that I use as a closet, which was a total mess when I left. That room alone took him 3 hours. 

*crying harder*

On top of that, while I was gone my parents 


About a year or so ago when Bren and I were still dating, it got hit and ran when parked at his parents' house. It got a huge dent in it that cost thousands of dollars to fix, and even though Bren and I have been saving up for it, we just haven't been able to afford it. My parents surprised me and said they were fixing it for my birthday. 

These past few days I have felt so blessed. Not lucky, but blessed. See, there's a difference: I think being lucky is by chance, and being blessed is on purpose. 

I don't know what I did to deserve having Bren as my husband. And no matter what he or anyone else says, I really don't deserve him. 

So the only thing I can do is learn from him, and try to be more like him. The number one thing he has taught me without saying any words at all is to be selfless. 

For example, when we're at the mall, he'll find a shirt he loves, and I'll say, "Get it get it get it!" And he'll put it down and walk away and say, "Nah, I'd rather get you that dress you loved in the last store."

Would I think to do the same thing in that situation? Sadly, probably not all the time. But I'm learning! And I think I have a pretty cute teacher. 

Sometimes we have to count our blessings to remember all that we have. But every once in a while, we have those days where we don't even have to look for our blessings because they are so big they're staring us right in the face. 

I love those days. 


  1. Awe you have such a sweet husband! Hope your trip was fun!

  2. Aww! That's so touching, Ash. You and Brennan seem so in love. You guys are such a sweet couple. Anyway, your parents seem pretty sweet as well. I can't believe they surprised you by getting your car fixed. You definitely are one lucky girl. I hope everyday will provide you with constant happiness like that one. Wishing you all the best! :)

    Felicia Simmons @ Brandon Auto Repair

  3. You have the most loving husband and the most thoughtful parents. I definitely agree that luck has got nothing to do with it, it's definitely all you. I believe people that are cut from the same cloth tend to get together, and your own inner light and kindness was what made Brennan love you so much. Also, that was some nasty doozie with the car. It's good your parents paid for the repairs. I guess your own kindness has to come from somewhere, right? Anyway, I hope you've had a fun summer! Cheers!

    Lois Goodman @ Schaefer Auto
