Monday, August 19, 2013

Very Married

I'm not sure I have ever seen a quote that is more me. I think it's because I have always been this way with everything.

In high school, my friends would always give me a hard time for not seriously dating anyone, but I never found anyone worth dating. If I dated someone, I wanted to be very together. And I wanted to be very proud of it.

I never loved a boy before Brennan. If I was going to be in love with a boy, I wanted to be very in love.

But when I know that something's right, I give it 100%. 120% actually. I do everything with a very in front of it. I am so excited to marry Brennan because we will be very married. The most married you could ever be.

We both give our relationship everything we have, 120% of the time. And it's so amazing to see.

For example...

Last week Brennan signed up for his classes at the U. He usually can only work part time when he goes to school because of his class times, but last week he asked me if I would be mad if he took a night class for 3 hours on Wednesday nights. I said of course not! Then he asked if I'd be ok with him taking a class on Saturday mornings for 3 hours and then one super early morning one a few days during the week, and I said of course that's fine but asked him why in the world he would want to take a Saturday morning class and three hour night class.

He explained that he did his schedule this way so he could work full time and make more money for us and still go to school full time.

I sat there and thought to myself that in my future husband's eyes, I am worth a Saturday morning class.

It's moments like that when I learn that Brennan loves me more than I can even comprehend.

And I can't wait for us to be very married in ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!

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